"Rapporteur de Paris, mets ta couche et vas au lit."

samedi 30 octobre 2010

Asher Bradshaw, 6 ans, au skate parc de Venice Beach

pendant que j'essaie de taper mon premier ollie, d'autre saute déjà un peu plus haut. Asher, futur grand skater. sa video à venice beach est assez dingue.

5 commentaires:

  1. video du gamin impressionnante

  2. Excellent blog ! Encore bravo, Nono !

  3. Just a short message from Barack Obama,

    I have some problems with elections here, but be sure of one thing: no matter what happen, no matter what people think, the american people will always be with you.
    I asked the nation to vote for the Nono's Commode. We strongly believe in you.

    Best regards
    B. Obama
    President of The United States of America

  4. Superbe, longue vie à ce blog!!

  5. Excellent ce blog.
    A consommer sans modérations.
